The 10 Greatest Baseball Players (plus others…)

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Duration 01:12:27

University of Massachusetts Boston

Vincent Cannato is a professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where he teaches courses on 20th century American history, urban history, immigration history, and baseball history. He is the author of American Passage: The History of Ellis Island; The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and his Struggle to Save New York; and co-editor of Living in the Eighties. He has also written for numerous publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.


Another baseball season is upon us! What better way to celebrate than a discussion of the greatest baseball players of all time? Any such list of “greatest players” is entirely subjective – and this one is no different – but this lecture will provide a historical context needed for any discussion of how to measure and evaluate players over time. We will also discuss various statistical measurements used to evaluate players, comparisons of different eras of baseball history, and other factors that go into evaluating and comparing players over time.

Baseball fans love to argue, so join Professor Cannato for this fun and entertaining lecture. See where baseball greats Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, Willie Mays, and Ted Williams end up on the list. And be prepared to debate and discuss your own choices for greatest players of all time.

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