Europe, Russia, and Mexico: An Analysis of U.S. Policy

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Duration 01:08:33

University of Pennsylvania, Carey Law School

William Burke-White is a renowned professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Carey Law School. An international lawyer and political scientist, he is a leading expert on U.S. foreign policy, multilateral institutions, and international law, with significant regional expertise on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. From 2009 – 2011, he served in the Obama administration on Secretary of State Clinton’s Policy Planning Staff. Professor Burke-White has received the Levin Award and the Gorman Award for Excellence in Teaching and was a Fulbright Scholar at Cambridge University.



The world is complicated, and America’s foreign policy towards other countries is rarely simple. How can we make sense of US foreign policy as related to three of the most important and interesting countries that America interacts with?

University of Pennsylvania Professor William Burke-White will take us behind-the-scenes of US foreign policy making, leading us on a tour of the world to understand the “how” and the “why” of our relationships with Europe, Russia, and Mexico. He’ll investigate what is at stake in US foreign policy making for America and dig into the histories, interests, cultures, and economies of these countries. We’ll learn about changing administrations and objectives in Washington, and we will get an inside look at how the US seeks to reconcile its security, economic interests, and core values in developing and advancing distinct foreign policy approaches.

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