The Future of the Presidency

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Duration 00:00:03

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Sam Potolicchio was named one of “America’s Best Professors” by the Princeton Review, the Future Leader of American Higher Education by the Association of Colleges and Universities, and winner of the OZY Educator Award as one of the six outstanding American educators. He was also profiled in a cover story on his leadership curriculum by Newsweek Japan as the “Best Professor in America”. Professor Potolicchio is President of the Preparing Global Leaders Forum and Distinguished University Professor, Department Chairman and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and teaches in the EMBA programs at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown and at the Mannheim Business School (Germany). He is a visiting lecturer at University of Bologna (Italy).


What is the Future of American Politics?

Throughout American history historians, political scientists, and policymakers have frequently lamented the trajectory of the Presidency and argued for institutional reform. Some presidential observers argue that the Presidency is too powerful, while others claim it’s too constrained. This lecture will assess the health of the Presidency, forecast its likely future, and offer prescriptive renovations.

What Does The Future Hold for America’s Presidents?

The guiding questions of the session will look into whether the modern institution lives up to the Founders original vision, how the American presidency compares to other presidential systems around the world, what type of presidential aspirants will dominate the future, and what institutional changes would correct any modern deficits to Article 2 of the Constitution. The lecture will end with an argument for how to change how we both vet and select the President of the United States.

Learn More About the Future of American Politics

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